Family Enterprise, Advising & Mentoring

Let us help you achieve your personal
& professional goals. Contact us for a free consultation.

Next Step Advisors

Using our proven 4-step methodology, we help families identify their goals and their challenges. Then we collaborate with you to create a customized action plan for ongoing advising and coaching to ensure your long-term business success and strengthened family relationships.

Family Advisory Services

Using our proven 4-step methodology, we help families identify their goals and their challenges. Then we collaborate with you to create a customized action plan for ongoing advising and coaching to ensure your long-term business success and strengthened family relationships.


Confidential Interviews

Share personal perspectives, goals and concerns during confidential one-on-one interviews.


PULSE® Report

Our summary will help you focus on what truly matters for you and your family.


Family Round Table

Develop open communications and create a shared vision.


Ongoing Advice

Regular meetings and individual coaching to ensure steady progress towards your goals.

What is the current health of your family enterprise?

Take our 5-minute confidential assessment to find out.

Executive Mentoring Experience

The Emotional Intelligence for Successors course is a comprehensive personal development program has been designed specifically for family enterprise successors which includes both owners and managers.

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Family Business is Good Business